There is a saying that I have believed in since I was young: The eyes are the windows to the world. This quote is the philosophical foundation of my work; …

There is a saying that I have believed in since I was young: The eyes are the windows to the world. This quote is the philosophical foundation of my work; …
Bumblebee of the Blueridge is a short story series of just that: bumblebees in the blue ridge mountains. To be more specific, here in Harrisonburg. The main concept of this …
As a photographer, I always seem to have creative ideas running through my head at any given point in time. My professors always say to think outside of the box …
This week’s featured artworks are by first-year nursing major Noussaiba Garti. Through her artwork Garti explores themes related to mental health, deriving inspiration from broader social issues as well as …
Truth by Hannah Beck, first-year I see the people around me Making themselves smaller Making themselves quieter Trying to reach just enough But never too much And I’m angry Angry …
Are you missing warm days? Days where you could just chill on the beach with your friends and family? I know I am. But summer will be here before we …
“Sometimes everyday life has hidden beauty that we rarely take the time to seek and appreciate.”
These were taken by Sophomore Mykenzie Davis. “In 12th grade, I had a good friend who is a dancer, and I had a new camera for Christmas. So, we decided …