“Resistance through existence,” said senior Isaac Alderfer, describing “Mossville: When Great Trees Fall.” The documentary is about the predominantly Black town of Mossville, Louisiana where a chemical company was offering …
News & Feature
EMU looks ahead to Spring hopes and challenges
In less than two weeks, EMU students will leave campus with an unconventional, almost-completed semester under their belts. COVID-19 has meant dozens of changes around campus—namely limited in-person interaction—and those …
Race and Gender class to promote pronoun awareness
This fall semester, the Race & Gender class, led by Deanna Durham, has been discussing various topics such as systemic racism in America, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and more. As …
Chamber Singers holds first ever outdoor concert
The Chamber Singers, led by director Benjamin Bergey, held a concert featuring a variety of selections from “The Sound of Silence” to the South African National Anthem. The concert was …
Students share thoughts on fall pause
On October 15, here at EMU, we received a fall pause instead of a fall break. Instead of getting a five day break, student’s received one day to relax between …
CSCS plans student bike trip across country
In late May 2021, the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions (CSCS) will help lead 15 cyclists across the United States, traveling the 4000 miles from Seattle, Washington to Washington, D.C. …
Local recording business devastated by gas explosion
Around 8:30 AM, on Saturday, October 17th, Joseph Harder, ‘20 was making breakfast. Five minutes later, he received a number of texts informing about a tragedy that had taken place …
‘Don’t trust your instincts’: Shenkman on democracy
Rick Shenkman, historian, author, and investigative reporter shared some of his thoughts on politics during EMU’s first election related event on campus. Shenkman is a reporter for the George Washington …
WCSC heads to Washington Women’s March
Living in Washington, DC during the fall of 2020 is stressful. Being in a city during a pandemic along with being in the center of political tensions make it hard …
Election results delayed several days
As of Wednesday night, the United States still did not know who its president will be for the coming term. Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Nevada were still pending results. …