According to an article published by the Scientific American magazine, the number of college students with no religious affiliation has increased significantly in the last couple of years. As a …
Editorial: Get rid of the convocation point requirement
At the end of Nov. 2020, I had 32 convocation points. During that fall semester, I earned a total of four points. You can imagine my gratitude when EMU’s administration …
Mental health struggles as a college student
I’ve been questioning why I’m in college. Why am I taking these classes? Why am I here? What is my ultimate goal? I’ve been asking myself why I spend thousands …
Holistic medicine
Holistic medicine describes a type of treatment that considers the whole human as a mind, spirit, emotions, and body. The term “holistic” comes from the Greek word “holos” which means …
Editorial: Journalism doesn’t have to be your thing.
While I have always had a passion for writing, journalism had never been my thing. The only time I interacted with news growing up was when my parents put on …
Is it time to reconsider the cross-cultural experience?
In the background of a small bedroom, a Google Home thumps on a desk. An eclectic blend of music ricochets lazily off the walls, hard rap flows bleeding into orchestral …
Burnout in college students
College life can be a lot of fun, but it can also be more demanding than life in high school. Even though there can be more flexibility in college, there …
You don’t know any better
I tend to be someone who gets pretty involved in a topic if it worries me. I was never very political before COVID-19, and I rarely ever kept up with …
Commuter POV: My car is uncomfortable
Many young people in their 20s experience back pain like they are in their 50s. That is what it feels like when you are scrunched up in your car seat, …
Editorial: writers needed
I applied for EMU knowing that I wanted to be a Writing and Peacebuilding double major. I showed up to Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration (SOAR) expecting to only take …