About a year and a half ago, I found myself in La Campa, Lempira, Honduras, a tiny little town that is a little bit touristy, but mainly just silent—a startling …
Machiavelli’s “The Prince” has harsh but necessary points
Out of context, it is understandable that Machiavelli was assumed to be evil with comments such as, “It is far safer to be feared than loved.” Many political leaders use …
Invest in political advocacy and be active in political change
All summer, I traipsed on and off of Capitol Hill attempting to convince legislators that climate change is not only something to be concerned about, but something to actively legislate …
Psychedelic drug legalization offers new research opportunities
From 1950 through early 1970s, the psychedelic LSD was administered to thousands of people by psychiatrists, therapists, and researchers. With the scientific community reaping benefits from the discovery of LSD, …
Thoughts post-MLK student panel: Speak, for dialogue’s sake
I’m challenging myself to keep my hands moving while writing the first draft of this. To keep the flow moving. To not stop. To not press backspace, to not edit …
Work each day to accept self-love and personal beauty
I stood many times in front of the mirror wishing that a miracle would happen and change my whole appearance. Well, apparently my wish is impossible. I used to run …
Acknowledge others’ wounds to break the cycle of trauma
Trauma and pain are inherent to human existence; everyone will experience something harmful. This is seen on both large and small scales, ranging from personal trauma to systematic oppression of …
We must learn to live together despite political division
In December of last year, a Democrat-controlled house voted to impeach President Donald Trump on two articles. Last month, a Republican-controlled house voted to acquit president Trump of all impeachable …
Find your determination and personal identity as a writer
I write because I have to in order to live. Some days I control my writing, and other days my writing controls me. It is an unfortunate relationship, an addiction …
Editorial: Hard-copy newspapers offer tangible benefits
So you’ve decided to pick up these three folded sheets of paper. Maybe this is your first time reading the Weather Vane. Maybe you’re a seasoned veteran who went out …