In recent years the minimum wage requirements of our country have been called into question, and for good reason. A minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is not enough for …
“Pop” Has Lost the Intrinsic Value of Music
True music is a reflection of people and communities and where they are in their lives. Music creates a place where we can be completely honest about whatever we are …
Editorial: Learn to See Across the Register
Have you ever wondered why it seems like service industry employees (i.e. waitstaff and cashiers) hate their jobs? There is a good reason for it, and it boils down to …
Draft Requirements Violate Equal Rights
Let’s talk about the draft. I realize it is probably not something you think about often — we are not technically at war and it does not look like the …
Social Media Limits Developing Worldview
In recent months I have seen much less of the behavior that inspired this editorial, but I have still seen some. The issue at hand is that during this past …
Giving Grace to Individuals on Death Row
A few weeks ago, I had the great fortune of living in an intentional community in Georgia called Jubilee Partners, and there I found a type of community that I …
Create Intentional Community With Food
Jesus tells us that bread is his body. I think I experienced that for the first time while making challah for one of my classes earlier in the semester. It …
Editorial: Nostalgia Hinders Sustainability
I am writing my senior thesis on humanity’s ecological and emotional relationship with the Earth, each other, and progress, using speculative fiction to get there. Think: science fiction about sustainability. …
Editorial: The Simplicity of Making a List
As someone who is taking 15 credit hours and working 35 hours a week across three jobs both on campus and off, I occasionally find myself busy and overwhelmed with …
Acknowledging Divorce Within Churches
From what I understand, the Bible is fairly explicit when speaking about divorce. The general rule that I have encountered within the church is that it is simply not allowed, …