This is the biggest year of suck. This is my final editorial after three semesters as editor, and I planned to end on some hopeful or heartfelt note. Something about …

This is the biggest year of suck. This is my final editorial after three semesters as editor, and I planned to end on some hopeful or heartfelt note. Something about …
In less than two weeks, EMU students will leave campus with an unconventional, almost-completed semester under their belts. COVID-19 has meant dozens of changes around campus—namely limited in-person interaction—and those …
“The Weather Vane is published weekly by undergraduate students of EMU. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the university or its affiliates.” Something that is essential and unique about …
The trope of “angry feminist” colored much of my early life. I always knew that I was technically a feminist, but the picture that most people in my community painted—that …
Last Tuesday night, Sept. 29, was the first presidential debate of 2020, in which Democratic candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden faced off with Incumbent Republican candidate, President Donald …
36 years ago, The Weather Vane asked EMU (then EMC) this question: Is the U.S. ready for a woman vice president? I found this article in The Weather Vane’s archives …
“We’re doing our best to keep you all as safe as we can.” This statement from Bonnie Bowser, circulation and office manager at the Sadie Hartzler Library, is in reference …
“Black Lives Matter,” reads the new mural painted on the pavement outside of University Commons. After months of preparation and a long weekend of painting, Black Student Alliance (BSA) hosted …
As EMU continues to adapt to all of the restrictions caused by COVID-19, one staple of this community has remained constant: SFI market. Every Thursday at 5:00 p.m., students can …
I am quite used to failing publicly. During my first semester of my freshman year, my very first article in The Weather Vane earned a letter to the editor from …