Sunbeams As the pandemic progresses, the meme content has gotten better and better. In times of struggle, the memes are always there—hello darkness, my old friend. Easter Break is this …

Sunbeams As the pandemic progresses, the meme content has gotten better and better. In times of struggle, the memes are always there—hello darkness, my old friend. Easter Break is this …
Sunbeams As of writing, 45 states are observing some form of Shelter-in-Place practices. Just think of it as not only keeping yourself safe, but also making your dog’s dreams come …
Sunbeams Today (Thursday) CAC is hosting a game of “screaming bingo” where those who enter play a rousing game at CDC-recommended safe distance. Finally, it’s acceptable to scream in public, …
Sunbeams Coronavirus has been quite good at lessening the effects of climate change. Since quarantines have begun, there has been a decline in nitrogen levels and areas of clearer water. …
Is EMU serious about tackling the climate crisis? How much has EMU realistically achieved, and does the institution have practical plans for future efforts? Is a natural gas microgrid a …
Students crammed into SSC Room 104 Monday morning to attend the EMU Climate Town Hall. Some stood in the back, others lined the walls as the last seats were filled. …
In celebration of EMU’s centennial, a new sculpture arrived on campus. A service was held to dedicate the installation of “Guns into Plowshares,” a work created by the mother- son …
In honor of the EMU Centennial Homecoming, Ted and Co. produced “What We Bring. What We Take. What We Leave.” Twice that weekend, crowds packed Lehman Auditorium to witness the …
New Testament theologian N.T. Wright, this year’s guest for the Augsburger Lecture Series, came and went on campus amidst his own speaking events, alternative Safe Space events, and hate speech …
Since the Hand, Foot, and Mouth epidemic, lice is the second major outbreak which has struck EMU in this first semester. Before Thanksgiving break, over 30 cases of lice were …