Hello, Weather Vane readership! Boy, the political landscape of the United States sure is great, eh? Stock market, more like crock market, hah! But hey, don’t worry too much about …

Hello, Weather Vane readership! Boy, the political landscape of the United States sure is great, eh? Stock market, more like crock market, hah! But hey, don’t worry too much about …
If there’s anything America seems to love, it’s bloodthirst and car dealerships. The Trump whitehouse represents both of these inclinations; just this week, Trump hosted what was effectively an advertisement …
An esoteric, death-worshipping cult? The inward turning of colonialist violence? Goose-stepping Nazis? Throughout contemporary American cultural-political critique, it’s common to see various aspects of modern life derisively labeled as “fascist” …
A couple of days ago, I (foolishly) thought “y’know what, I want to cook some lasagna today. Let me google a quick recipe.” What a mistake! What an idiot I …
There’s a kitschy meme that circulates the corners of the internet I lurk that reads something like: “I’m getting real tired of living through historic events.” I used to think …
While this article aims to cover the Israel-Hamas ceasefire deal that was reached on Sunday, January 19, we feel that it would be incomplete without a retelling of the series …
I love Mexican food. Look, I get it: the food a gringo like me considers “Mexican” could probably be better described as “Mexican diaspora” or “Mexican American” cuisine, but I …
“Absolutely terrifying.” This is what Senior Allie Smith had to say as the election results rolled in Tuesday night. A transgender woman and music education major, Smith expressed worry at …
God, fall is so sick. The weather is perfect, the vibes are high, and the food is great. What more could you want in a season? Well, there may be …
Hi. My name is Will Blosser. I am a graduate student, student-newspaper-lackey, and audiophile. As I’m sure you can tell from my writing, I’ve got it *all* figured out–and recently, …