As the 2024 presidential election looms ever closer, one of Biden’s flagship campaign promises remains unfulfilled and precarious; an overhaul of the long-since-gutted Title IX system in the United States. …

As the 2024 presidential election looms ever closer, one of Biden’s flagship campaign promises remains unfulfilled and precarious; an overhaul of the long-since-gutted Title IX system in the United States. …
“I’ve never seen the gallery this crowded”, murmured student onlookers. And it was. On April 5, the modest Margaret Martin Gehman Gallery room was absolutely packed with a crowd of …
Genuine question: what the hell did China ever do to us? In repeated Gallup polls, when asked “Who is the greatest enemy of the United States?” American respondents routinely pick …
Hey, why does Sriracha taste different now? A couple of weeks ago, as I hope you read, some colleagues and I engaged in a hot sauce taste test, where we …
It’s been 21 years since Songs: Ohia’s ultimate work, “The Magnolia Electric Co.” released, and 11 since Jason Molina tragically passed away after a long-time struggle with substance abuse. Often, …
I am exhausted. When I moved into my apartment 3-odd years ago, my mom asked me if I needed a pair of curtains for my bedroom window. Half-distracted by the …
Fine, I’ll admit it: I love to argue. It’s one of the roughest edges of my personality, and it, unfortunately, informs much about how I engage with the political world …
MARCH 15, Friday: Wielding placards and posters, EMU community protestors gathered outside of the Campus Center last Friday morning. Prompted by the beginning of multiple Board of Trustees meetings occurring …
Sitara’s Review: Social media has popularized many things, not the least of them being internet challenges. Some brave members of the Weather Vane staff decided to participate in one of …
For those fortunate souls who aren’t tuned in to the music Twitter “discourse” algorithm, it may seem strange to deem listenership of certain bands/songs a red flag, or some sort …