This was my first and last semester as a member of the Weather Vane staff, and it has been both challenging and incredibly rewarding to write for the newspaper. I covered topics ranging from sporting events to circumstances surrounding the pandemic to a significant conversation about race. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a part of the Weather Vane team, and I regret not joining until my final semester at EMU.

My decision to join the Weather Vane staff was at first out of obligation. As an English Education major, I needed one final credit hour to complete the English side of my degree before graduating this spring. 

I honestly did not read the Weather Vane all that much prior to this semester, unless one of my friends or classmates wrote a specific piece that they wanted me to take a look at. However, when I signed up to be on the newspaper staff as a Practicum student, I began to go back to the Weather Vane archives to read past articles. I had little experience with news writing, so I was hoping to get some clarity and inspiration from past Weather Vane writers. I read about Campus Activity Council (CAC) events that I had attended throughout my four years at EMU from the perspective of other students. It was neat to scan through memories that will be forever documented in the Weather Vane issues.

The best thing about writing for the Weather Vane is the level of freedom that writers have in choosing article topics. Of course, we have standards and codes of conduct that must be followed just like any professional news organization. However, the amazing Weather Vane Editors in Chief, Anna Cahill and Jessica Chisolm, pretty much allowed staff writers to be as creative as they wished when brainstorming article topic ideas. This is what makes the Weather Vane so fantastic; everyone on the team brings a different perspective and skillset to contribute to the final product that is distributed on Thursday mornings. It is a collaborative effort through and through.

I am so thankful for that one last credit hour that I needed to graduate. What started as an obligatory course became a unique experience to add to the many memories I have made during my four years at EMU. 

If you are on the fence about joining the Weather Vane team, this is your sign! Do not wait until your final semester to join the staff because you could miss a great opportunity to meet new people, learn a new skill, and express yourself creatively. Contact Kirsten Beachy via email (kirsten.beachy@emu.edu) for information on how to join the Weather Vane production team for Fall 2021. 

Staff Writer

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