EMU is blessed to have a comprehensive and student-responsive Academic Success Center available to all students.  The Academic Success Center is located on the third floor of Hartzer Library and is directed by Professor Vi Dutcher. It has a cadre of tutors who can assist you with your coursework as the semester draws to a close. If you can benefit from assistance with final papers or final exams, now is the time to seek a tutor’s assistance. 

Tutors can assist you with, for example, writing, nursing, chemistry, biology, accounting, Spanish, and other subjects.  The tutors have undergone orientation to assist you effectively. Please take advantage of these helpful and readily available peer tutors and academic services. 

Contact the tutor by using the “Make an Appointment” button on your Navigate home page or send an email or text message directly to the tutor to arrange an appointment. Please do not delay and finish up the semester with academic success.

By Steve Yoder, Office of Academic Success and Tom Syre, Sr., Graduate Writing Consultant

Contributing Writer

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