As a photographer, I always seem to have creative ideas running through my head at any given point in time. My professors always say to think outside of the box and to look at the world from a different perspective. Needless to say without them I don’t think that I would be the photographer that I am today. This whole idea of my Endless Possibilities Sessions started over the summer when I finally was able to turn my idea into a reality. I had seen a video a few years ago of the Brigham Young University softball team. They included the ending images and being a softball player myself I thought the idea was super cool and I wanted to try it out. So that’s how it started and then things ironically “exploded” from there. Borrowing a fellow photographer’s equipment was the best idea I ever had! I started and made sure that my technique was correct and then I started adding other sports. This led to experimenting with things other than water, mostly the idea of what could be possible with flour. Our limits are only as big as our imaginations. The world is full of endless possibilities!

All of my shoots are posted on my Bec’s Endless Creations Facebook page so you can go check them out!!