Simulacrum, Weather vane Canvas pageFreddie Monahan


Simulacrum, Weather vane Canvas page

This piece is inspired by Jean Baudrillard’s

theory on the postmodern, hyperreality. In his

writings he wrote that in this state, all images

are copies of other copies, and that there is no

original. My piece explores this concept in re-

lation to identity; I copied my own drawing over

and over, playing a game of visual telephone,

copying the last thing I drew; in the end I got

something unlike what I began with, a miscopy of

the original.

Freddie Monahan



Untitled, Weather Vane Canvas Page

This piece I think is pretty explicitly about the

AIDS crisis. I often feel like nobody understands

the gravity of the AIDS crisis during the 80s and

the 90s; people just kind of act like it just

happened and there’s nothing to be done. But it

was a genocide, a genocide by negligence on the

part of people like Ronald Reagan and George HW

Bush. More people died in the US of AIDS during

the crisis than did Americans in the Vietnam War.

That’s not something to roll your eyes at.

Freddie Monahan


Contributing Writer

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