Alyssa Breidigan
Pictured left to right: Stephanie Roby, Ian Smith, and Carlneen Overacker, EMU’s athletic training staff

When you sit in the stands at an EMU sporting event, all you see are the athletes on the field or court. However, there are people working on the sidelines to ensure that the athletes are physically healthy and ready for each game. This past week, EMU student-athletes expressed appreciation for the EMU Athletic Training (AT) Department in honor of March being National Athletic Training Month. 

An injury is a student-athlete’s nightmare; it could sideline the player from participating in practices and games. Third-year women’s volleyball player Hannah Johnson pulled a muscle in her back during her first volleyball game at EMU. After working with the Athletic Training staff to rehab her back, Johnson said, “I would like to give a shoutout to Ian [Smith]. He has dealt with me being in the training room every day of my athletic career, and he is always there to help me no matter what.”

The trainers display a passion for their work. Fourth-year field hockey player Clover Cooper said, “Even though [Athletic Trainer] Stephanie [Roby] is new, I still feel impacted by her. She comes to the AT [room] every day in a good mood and seems like she truly loves her job.” 

Several students acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the AT staff. Johnson said, “They have been amazing during this pandemic because every sport is going on at the same time, yet they never complain about it. They work hard, and it is evident.” 

Third-year field hockey player Rachel Breslin said, “The long hours and dedication the trainers have invested this year go above and beyond, and our season would not be possible without them!” Cooper added, “They make themselves available every hour of the day, which I can’t imagine is easy.”

Fourth-year baseball player Jaylon Lee tore his left meniscus during a game last year. “The training staff was at the game ready to take care of me. They show so much care for every athlete, and it just amazes me how they are quick in action with what they do,” said Lee. Lee added, “Thank you to all the AT trainers that have helped me throughout my four years here. I appreciate everything you have done for me up to this point.”

Breslin highlighted the relationships that develop between student-athletes and the athletic training staff. “The trainers know everyone’s name and exactly how to treat their injury. They cheer us on in games and are always open for a conversation while working with us,” said Breslin. 

Students also acknowledged that the AT staff tends to students’ emotional, social, and educational needs, in addition to their physical needs. “They always make me laugh and give me a good escape from school, life, and even soccer,” said third-year women’s soccer player Hannah York. 

Cooper said that the AT staff influenced her decision to pursue a career in athletic training. Cooper said, “[Carleen Overacker] took it upon herself to kind of take me under her wing and show me the path I would need to take to become an athletic trainer one day. Carleen [Overacker] and Ian [Smith] both wrote my recommendation letters to Bridgewater College. I will be attending BC this summer for Athletic Training.”

Lee was positively impacted by the AT staff during his Kinesiology practicum. He  participated in hands-on learning as the trainers worked with athletes in the training room. “Having that leadership from Carleen [Overacker], Ian [Smith], and Mike [Downy] was a great time and experience for me,” said Lee.  

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted how the AT room operates this year. “Everyone must sign into the training room and get their temperature taken immediately. They bleach all the equipment and wipe down the tables after every athlete,” said Breslin. 

“Even when the school was on lockdown, the training staff sent personalized rehab virtual workouts to the athletes that needed that,” stated York. Johnson commented, “They have definitely thought of everything possible to increase safety for athletes and staff.” 

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