“I would say if you’re confident enough to make that shot, you should have confidence in yourself that you can find someone better.”

These words of advice came from Sophomore Amber Bonds, one of the student panelists featured at Eastern Mennonite University (EMU) Student Programs’ event “How to Flirt.” The event, which took place this past Tuesday, Jan. 31, was hosted in the new Common Grounds by Student Programs members Anne Coyne and Tyler Goss. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, the thematic event kicked off Student Programs’ new series “Adulting 101.”

Alongside Bonds were four other student panelists: First-year Joshua Stucky; Sophomores Mikayla Pettus and Emily Diaz; and graduate student Kory Schaeffer. The panelists were asked a range of questions, including to describe their ideal first dates, the worst dates they’ve experienced, and their go-to flirting strategies. Those in attendance were also given the opportunity to ask questions through an anonymous Google form. Students asked panelists to describe their “icks,” green flags in potential partners, how to manage long-distance relationships, and how to handle rejection. 

Coyne, who was “blown away by the wisdom and humor of our panelists,” hoped that “by creating a space for open conversation and laughter, we can all learn and build skills.”

Panelists had aspirations for the event as well. 

Schaeffer hopes students left the event “[feeling] more open and that there is less shame or stigma around flirting and dating.” He goes on, “We’re all adults here and we are all not only free to date and explore that side of ourselves, but it’s a really beautiful part of us to be able to get to explore, to engage in.”

Stucky wants attendees to take three main ideas from the event: “Anybody can flirt, confidence is key, and keep it light.”

First-year and event attendee, Leah Frankenfield, agrees with Coyne’s affirmative descriptions of the panelists, saying the event “was very refreshing.”

“[It was] an event where people were very authentic with themselves and they didn’t try to sell a story…they were able to be vulnerable and tell stories that expose them a little bit.”

The event ended with panelists answering one final question: “what is your dream date and who is it with?” The question was met with “oohs” from the audience. Like other responses from throughout the night, the panelists’ answers produced a range of reactions from the crowd.  As previously mentioned, “How to Flirt” was the first event of Student Programs’ new series, “Adulting 101.” The series aims to teach and integrate life skills into student life through events like “Networking and Interviewing,” “Taxes and Snackses,” “DIY Life Skills,” and “Cooking 101.” To know when each of these events take place, Coyne urges students to “Look out for emails from Tyler Goss, check the Royal Radar GroupMe, and follow the EMU Student Programs instagram to learn more.”

Staff Writer

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