You may or may not be familiar with the student-led event known as EMU “Taskmaster,” that usually takes place in the Mainstage Theater at EMU. EMU’s “Taskmaster”, based off of the British game show of the same name. Originated as an Own Orbit project from the Ruling Ideas Seminar. Junior and founder of EMU “Taskmaster” Doran Kennedy states that the process typically starts when they create tasks for the competitors and then pick five competitors as part of the process. When asked what his experience was with making and participating in “Taskmaster,” Kennedy said, “It’s a lot of work, but the end result is very worth it. It’s typically about two hours per weekend for five or six weekends of filming, and then about 15 hours of editing that footage afterwards.”

The fifth season of EMU “Taskmaster” is to be presented this Friday, April 26. Kennedy stated that he is satisfied with previous turnouts and said “We’ve gotten a good turnout for the vast majority of the shows, filling a good portion of the main stage theater every time.” 

Zack Furr has seen EMU “Taskmaster” once or twice in his three years of attending EMU, and has known about it from being direct friends with Kennedy. Furr has been wanting to be on EMU “Taskmaster” since last fall after seeing how much fun it was to be involved with it. For this upcoming season Furr is hoping to win and is looking forward to seeing it all come together. Furr affirmed that the editing is great, and that the comedy between Canyon and Doran on the night of EMU “Taskmaster” is fantastic. 

Furr also gave some words about Kennedy, “Doran clearly cares deeply for Taskmaster and the effort he puts into it shows each year.” EMU “Taskmaster” has shown to be quite the eventful show and entertaining for participants and spectators alike. Some final acclamations from Furr, “Canyon Penner is fantastic and the best ever. He truly is the Taskmaster.”

Those involved in EMU “Taskmaster” are looking forward to seeing many people there and to watching the videos that have been made of the contestants’ successes (and failures). In the future, Kennedy is wanting to do one final show with all five of the winners from this and the previous seasons.

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