Lady Moon and The Eclipse at Eastern Mennonite UniversityKara Painter
Lady Moon and The Eclipse’s charismatic style matches their sound.

On Friday, Sept. 15, CAC’s small concert series welcomed Lady Moon and the Eclipse to the Main Stage Theater. Lady Moon and The Eclipse is a culturally diverse musical group which embodies and encourages “Peace, Unity, and Light,” as expressed by the lead vocalist, Lady Moon. Lady Moon and her singers shared a tangible connection, and it was no shock to discover that the three women are in fact sisters.

The sisters wore vibrant African clothing and detailed face paintings, and expressed their desire to share their traditional African dancing with the audience, whom Lady Moon so lovingly called “the Earth and Stars.”

The Eclipse was not to be missed, a spiritual and emotional experience with light, sound, and movement. “Lady Moon and the Eclipse was absolutely breathtaking,” said sophomore Sophia Hartman. “I don’t think there was one song that didn’t leave me with goosebumps.” The strong vocals of Lady Moon and her singers was accompanied by the steady beats of her musicians. The band’s sound was heavily influenced by African jazz, soul, and R&B.

Sophomore Ariel Barbosa gushed about the performance, saying, “the actual sound of the music was stunning, mixing genres and styles…and they threw in just enough musical surprises to not make it too homogenous.” The band’s EP album “Believe” is available for CD purchase on their website. You can also find the album and their single “Move” on Spotify.

Amanda Hergenrather

Editor in Chief

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