This past Tuesday, Feb. 1, the Language and Literature Department welcomed Rei Berroa to EMU as part of the 2021-2022 Writers Read series. Rei Berroa is a Dominican professor of Spanish and Latin American Literature and Culture at George Mason University. 

The Writers Read event took place at Martin Chapel at 7 p.m. and people were able to experience the event in-person as well as through Facebook and Zoom in case they wanted to attend remotely. Berroa read a few of his poems in their original language, Spanish, as well as their translations in English. After reading each poem, Berroa allowed for the audience to ask any questions they had regarding his work, his inspirations, and what drives him as a poet and writer. 

One of the poems loved by the audience, La Luna, was a fusion of a lullaby and a poem. Senior Jessica Buckwalter said, “I loved Professor Rei Berroa’s poem about La Luna on Tuesday night’s Writers Read.  Dedicated to his daughter, it came alive when he sang and spoke it. The volume, tone, and body language of the poem made it a delight to the ears and heart. My mother used to sing lullabies to my siblings and I, and this poem brought back those memories.”

Instructor Maria Esther Showalter, who was in charge of introducing Berroa at the beginning of the event, exclaimed, “The Spanish Department is very grateful to Kirsten Beachy, language and literature program director, for bringing Dr. Rei Berroa to Writers Read. I first met Dr. Rei Berroa at a conference at JMU in April, 2016. I was fascinated by his poems and life story and said to myself, if one day we could invite him to EMU.” 

Showalter also talked about how Berroa was grateful for the delightful invitation which was an amazing experience for him. 

Senior Natalie Ladd also shared her reflection regarding the Writers Read, saying, “I left the Writers Read with Rei Berroa feeling excited and energized! I was reflecting with friends afterwards about how amazed I was by the way he brought important topics like environmentalism, social justice, and feminism into such powerful and thoughtful poems. I also really appreciated that we were able to listen to the poems in two languages, Spanish and English. It brought another layer of words and rhythms to listen to. I am very happy I was able to attend!”

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