
  • As of writing, 45 states are observing some form of Shelter-in-Place practices. Just think of it as not only keeping yourself safe, but also making your dog’s dreams come true.
  • Tuesday’s trivia tradition continues on with online trivia next week! Is the number one rule still “Don’t approach the stage?”
  • The weather (in Virginia at least) is almost warm enough for regular afternoon hammocking.  Now that we’re off-campus there are even more places than usual to hang up a hammock. Unless you’re from Kansas. 


  • We’re still waiting for someone to tell us that this whole pandemic thing was just a really elaborate April Fools’ joke. Anyone? Anyone? P-please?
  • Don’t forget to support local businesses, especially restaurants, by ordering take out. You know those egg rolls taste better in bed with a little bit of Netflix anyways. 
  • The Olympics were postponed to 2021. I guess I was doing all those squats for nothing. 
Rachael Brenneman

Opinion Editor

Erin Beidler

Review Editor

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