
  • As the pandemic progresses, the meme content has gotten better and better. In times of struggle, the memes are always there—hello darkness, my old friend. 
  • Easter Break is this Friday! Maybe we can have an Easter Service hymn sing over zoom. The harmony might be a bit wack though. 
  • Over fifty people showed up for online trivia on Tuesday this week! No matter the distance, nothing can keep us from our free gift cards. Even if third place had to split $10 between six people.   
  • Spring has sprung! Unless you’re from the northeast. Enjoy your snow, suckers. 


  • I don’t think anyone expected to become this invested in the Netflix docuseries “Tiger King,” but here we are. But for real though, did Carole kill her husband? We need answers.
  • There’s still no toilet paper to be found in most stores. Here’s a list of alternatives: Wash your little hiney in the shower, invest in washable cloth, use the newspaper (but not the Weather Vane) and throw it away, or find a convenient bush with big leaves. We all have to make sacrifices, people. 
  • A Louisiana pastor is ignoring shelter-in-place policies and shrugging off concerns about COVID-19 spreading among his over 1000 congregants, saying that “true Christians do not mind dying.” Was that somewhere in the Bible or did I just miss it? 
  • Your faithful Sunbeams and Stormclouds writers are getting saucier by the week with these as both the stress of the semester and the isolation press in. We’re sorry you have to see us like this. 
Rachael Brenneman

Opinion Editor

Erin Beidler

Review Editor

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