EMU has seen an increase in student participation at on campus political events this semester. Both the newly created Young Democrats and Young Conservative Voices (YCV) clubs have risen up to provide areas for students to more actively participate in events on campus and to find others who share their beliefs.

While YCV is just now getting started, with its first official meeting on Oct. 30, the Young Democrats have already been active in the community. Their most recent event was partnering with the Student Government Association and clubs such as the Black Student Union to have voter registration drives for those eligible to vote.

The student body seems positive about both of these club opportunities.

Sophomore Anisa Leonard said, “The focus of the clubs seems to be voting and civic engagement … I think it’s doing good for our community as a whole and is definitely prompting more tough discussions at EMU.”

With the Young Conservative Voices, those voices that might have been previously unheard in the left-leaning institution are able to have a platform to speak.

Junior Grace Eye, a member of the Young Democrats club, was pleased with the opportunities that the new platforms provided for both parties. “I would like to see more political activism so that we would be able to have debates.”

Leonard is already looking to the future for these clubs, “It’s great that the Young Democrats are here … but it would be great to see their passion for issues in the civil sphere to pass over into the EMU community.”

The Young Democrats club and the Young Conservative Voices club are opportunities for the student body which have not been available before. Now that both are running, make sure to look out for events offered by both of these clubs as the year progresses.

Rachael Brenneman

Opinion Editor

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