As EMU students and alumni gather for Homecoming this weekend, we celebrate the University’s past and potential for the future. Homecoming and reunions in a broader sense are the celebratory acknowledgment of our roots. It is important to acknowledge these roots as bonds are formed through collective nostalgia and experiences, and we remember where we came from and how that has made us who we are.

Our individual origins come from a broad collection of experiences and factors: the geographical locations of “home,” family traditions, and friend group customs. The experiences and people that we are surrounded by shape us and lead to where we are now. They teach us lessons and help us through the formative experiences of life to move us forward. These factors help define our values in large and small ways from our relationships, our beliefs, even our favorite sports teams.

Reflecting on our roots helps keep us grounded. In high school, as I would head out the door on the way to meet up with friends, my father would always casually remark, “Remember who you are.” Admittedly, as a sixteen-year-old, I did not give the phrase much thought. However, reflecting on it now, the simple sentence represents a deeper meaning. It was a reminder that when I walked through that door, I was not only representing myself, but the “who” was also a daughter and a granddaughter, a church member and a community member. My behavior reflects not only myself but the people who made me who I am.

Recently I have reflected on this saying as I face critical decisions in my life. As impending career and life choices are close on the horizon, I use the phrase as a reminder that no matter what I choose it is integral that it allows me to maintain who I am and what my core beliefs are. Through our connections to places and people, we are able to move forward in new and exciting ways. Mutual origins are some of the best ways to quickly connect with others. They provide a similar frame of reference and facilitate conversation and kinship.

Having these connections as a young person is a beneficial step in creating lasting relationships and opportunities to network for the future. EMU has an incredibly diverse group of alumni with connections across the globe that we as students are able to interact with and learn from. Connections made here can become valuable assets in life post-graduation.

As we take time this weekend to celebrate EMU’s roots as a university, take a moment to reflect on what has contributed to bringing you here and making you who you are. Though our roots are in the past, they connect us to the present and the future.

Erin Beidler

Review Editor

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