EMU’S off-campus living policies lately have elicited a lot complaints lately. To be allowed to live away from EMU’s campus, students must have at least 60 credits, be 21 years old, or be considered a commuter, if they live in a 50 mile radius. This means that, as students, many of us have to wait until senior year to be allowed to live off campus. Many students disagree with the requirements and complain about how expensive it is to live on campus. A semester of room and board is $5,580 and for the entire school year it cost $11,160. Looking off campus for housing I have found that it is almost half the cost of the university’s room and board. It would make attending EMU more attainable to students because of the difference in cost.

Compared to James Madison University (JMU), EMU’s requirements for off campus living are unreasonable. JMU students are allowed to live off campus after their first year, while most EMU students have to wait until junior or senior year. The big question is, why are EMU students restricted from living off campus before our junior year?

I would like to know the reason that EMU has these requirements, because living off campus could be beneficial to the students. Off-campus housing can help students with the cost of college, independence, maturity, and a sense of responsibility.

Living on your own and is an essential part of adulthood. Being cared for and watched constantly on campus is not the same thing. The rules should be revised for the welfare of the students by giving them the choice to live where they want or need to.

Contributing Writer

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