As a Latinx woman, I have experienced and witnessed the gender roles that affect our behaviors, values, and attitudes. These gender roles become traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. The problem is that these roles are utterly toxic and lack equality for all genders.

For instance, Latinx cultures give the man a patriarchal role where the father or the oldest brother receives a great amount of authority over women and the rest of the family, who are supposed to show submission and respect. 

Many men in Latinx societies grow up with aggressive and robust pride and bravery that becomes known as machismo. Machismo embraces both negative and positive aspects of masculinity. This includes a need for dominance, aggression, sexism, honor, bravery, sexual prowess, and reserved emotions.  

While men exhibit machismo, Latinx women exhibit marianismo; marianismo is the idea that women’s roles are family and home-centered. Marianismo encourages passivity and self-sacrifice. It also adds to the idea that women must obey their husbands or any patriarchal figure.  

These gender roles affect people in many ways. For instance, in a family with daughters and sons, the daughters are expected to learn how to cook, clean, and serve their brothers and fathers. The sons are not expected to do any household chores, they can go out whenever they want, and they are discouraged from exhibiting any weak emotion or behavior. If a little boy cries, he immediately hears, “Don’t cry, you’re not a little girl.”

When it comes to sex or sexual relations, females are severely chastised, while males are praised and even encouraged. If a young man has multiple sexual partners, he is praised, and it shows that he demonstrates vigor. However, if a female has multiple sexual partners, or even shows knowledge about sex, she is viewed as an impure person who is promiscuous. 

Female youth lack knowledge about sexual relations because they are never educated on this topic. After all, it can be “uncomfortable.” Females learn that if they have sex they won’t be taken seriously, or they will end up with an unwanted pregnancy. 

Males, on the other hand, are praised, for having sex from a young age. They are encouraged to have multiple partners, and if a female partner ends up with an unwanted pregnancy, the male is absolved from any responsibility. 

The consequences of imposing these gender roles on children from a young age can go unnoticed, but they are real. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and anger. Since men are discouraged from showing any emotional weakness, many are unable to speak up and come forward when they experience any type of mental health issue. Females are also discouraged from showing any type of discomfort against their imposed gender roles, which can also lead to depression. It can be difficult for females to admit that they are suffering from any mental health issue.

Nevertheless, it is essential to notice that as more people are willing to talk about these issues, many men and women have decided to move away from, and stop encouraging, these toxic behaviors for both males and females. Many Latinx women now show more independence and do not follow the roles imposed on them. Still, there are many families in Latinx societies that believe in these toxic roles. There is much to be done to move forward and show more equality for everyone.  

Staff Writer

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