EMU’s open hours policy is seen by many students as annoying and ridiculous. Plenty of controversy has surrounded the rule due to its strict times.

The policy falls under the “Visitation Policy” in the Residence Life Code of Conduct. Straight from EMU’s website, it states that “‘Open Hours’ provide resident students the opportunity for informal interaction and interpersonal growth within the context of the residence hall atmosphere.

“Additionally, there are social events which can provide students the opportunity to meet other students within a group context.

“It is expected that students conduct themselves with discretion and respect for the rights of others.”

Open hours under the jurisdiction of this policy are noon-11 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday and noon-1 a.m. Friday and Saturday.

The open hours policy is a little overpowering on students; after all, we have worked our asses off to become college students and live on campus so that we can be independent and live on our own.

The policy takes away our ability to have that late night study grind in the comfort of our rooms.

If we want to study with our friends or peers, then we have to take it to the main floor lounge.

Sometimes, this can be hard because they aren’t always available due to other students who have the same idea. Also, it leads to more distractions from your work.

I don’t agree with the policy because I think that the hours are too strict for adult college students.

I would extend them on both weekdays and weekends by at least an hour. On a weekday, 11 p.m. is not late enough to finish homework.

First-year Wade Henshaw argued, “On the weekends, 1 a.m. is a little early … most of us don’t go to bed until 2 or 3.”

*Note: At the time of this article’s writing, there have been no developments on open hours policy changes from residence life staff or other school officials.

Ignacio Ocaranza

Canvas Editor

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