Importance of Studying Skills:
In high school, I didn’t do well on exams, no matter how many strategies I tried. However, once I got to college, I realized I needed to improve. Academic stress is real, but it teaches us skills that prepare us for the workforce. At the Academic Success Center (ASC), I attended a tutoring session with a Study Skills Tutor. I found it helpful because I had the chance to talk to a nursing student who shared tips, such as making notes on the professor’s Google Slides by making a copy and reviewing the slides and lectures in the morning, afternoon, and after class, which helps with memorization of the material. Her last suggestion was for me to record the lectures with the professors’ permission because I told her I learn better by listening, which was something I hadn’t considered before. If you are a student who needs help studying for quizzes or managing your time, you can access support through the ASC webpage. First, go to myEMU, then look at the Quick Links section, scroll to the Student section, and click on “Academic Success Center.” In the “Our Services for Students and Faculty” section, find the video on scheduling an appointment, and click the blue link to learn how to meet with a tutor. The ASC offers help for all subjects.

Importance of Time Management Skills:
I remember one day I woke up late with a lot of studying to do. Thanks to my improved time management, I was able to quickly plan my day, finish my studying, and still have time to enjoy the rest of my day. The strategies I use for time management include writing down my assignments on a sticky note, labeling it a “To-Do List,” and adding the date. Second, when I need to study, I have a personal notebook labeled “Study Small Book” where I write the name of the class for which I have an exam and make a plan for the materials, Quizlet, and Voice Memos I need to study for the upcoming exam. Third, I use Google Calendar to track my EMU schedule, clubs, and personal activities. For example, one feature I like about Google Calendar is the option to add a ten-minute reminder before the start time of an event, along with notes if necessary, and the location of the event.

Importance of Responsibility Skills:
There was a time when I forgot to submit an assignment for a core class and didn’t know about it until later. Once I realized it, I immediately updated my to-do list and prioritized the work. I knew my professor expected the assignment before the due date, so I made sure to meet those expectations by completing it as soon as possible. If you are a student who doesn’t know how to check your assignments, the best way to do this is by going to grades at https://moodle.emu.edu/my/. This will take you to the Moodle homepage. On the top part of the page, find the section that says, “My Courses,” select any class, and press where it says “Grades.” This will show you all the assignments for that class, which is helpful if you want to know what assignments you need to complete, catch up on the class, or simply check your grade for that specific class. The study skills tutor session helped me read the Google Slides and lectures from the professors, which aided in my memorization of the material. I also use Voice Memos as a study tool and take notes on the key points when making a copy of the professor’s Google Slides. College life can be stressful, but in the future, I will focus on being consistent and improving my study, time management, and responsibility skills. I know these will help me not only in college but also in the workforce and beyond.

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