America, I am so disappointed in us to the point that I wish I could claim another country as my own because of how terrible this one is. We are just steps away from our own self-destruction. The whole “we are a united country” message is straight bullshit—the fact that we must fear a violent election, and we allowed a clown into office who managed to make this country even worse during his four years as president. On top of that, the idiots who voted him in are so blinded by money and privilege that they fail to see what is going on around them; this is just sickening behavior, what happened to human decency? The president you praise so much told the Proud Boys—white supremacists—to “stand back and stand by,” said that the KKK are “very fine people,” and people keep pretending that it is okay that their president is literally telling his citizens to go out of their way to harm other people. Do people not realize how idiotic, manipulative, and selfish it is that the President of the United States is telling people to go out and do reckless things “in his honor” while he sits back and watches the destruction that he has caused?

To think that the people before us fought in the hopes that we would one day come together, completely abolish racism, and establish democracy—only for us to backtrack and demolish everything they have worked towards. We should be ashamed of ourselves. We are a laughing stock to other countries, but can you blame them? At this point, it is as if we like making a fool out of ourselves. How does half of a country lose common sense and human decency because of one man? But, when we learn about Nazis in class, we gasp at the fact that the Germans praised Hitler. I see no difference between the people who blindly followed Hitler and the citizens of America who follow Trump. 

I thought that the whole point of learning about history was so that it would never be repeated. Well, by the looks of it, it seems like people are just taking ideas from the gruesome past to use in our modern-day. ICE storming in and ripping families apart just to lock them in cages, modern-day concertation camps, African Americans being killed and facing discrimination due to the color of their skin, modern-day segregation—are we actually learning from our mistakes or just trying to find more creative ways to repeat them?

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