History of LSA

The Latino Student Alliance (LSA) was founded in 1996 by Rick Castañeda. In order to promote a more inclusive and diverse space for all students of Hispanic/Latinx descent, the name Latino was recently changed to Latinx [Student Alliance.] Through LSA, Latinx students can grow pride in their culture and have the opportunity to embrace their traditions along with other Latinx students. 

Throughout the club’s history, one of the most notable events has been the LSA Banquet. The Banquet takes place during Latinx Heritage Month and honors history, cuisine, music, dance, and traditions from Latin America. This year’s message is “Unidos Jamás Seremos Vencidos”– which means “with love, family and culture we will prosper.” All EMU students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend events and explore Latin culture. 

Other events that LSA has organized include LSA Mundial, Semana Santa worship services, Comunidad Latina gatherings, convocation speakers, booths at the Faith and Culture Lawn Party, and tailgating homecoming Weekend. LSA has also collaborated with other clubs for events such as Peoples Party, Peña Folklorica, and Affinity Gatherings. 

Importance of Latinx Heritage Month

Hispanic (also termed Latinx) Heritage Month was established to recognize the contributions and commemorate the cultural influence of Hispanic communities in the United States. The significance of the dates chosen, Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, correlate with the Independence Day celebrations of several countries in Latin America. These countries include El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Nicaragua. 

Of all of the minority groups in the United States, Latinos comprise the majority. To show gratitude towards the Latino population, LHM is hosted for one month. Latinos have shaped and influenced many factors here in the U.S., including the buildings you live in, the foods you eat, the music you listen to, language, and many others. The different cultures Latinos bring to the U.S from their homelands has impacted the U.S heavily. There are about 23 different Latino cultures. Each Latinx culture is unique and brings different flavors to the table! 

LSA Events Coming Up:

October 4: Convocation 10:10 AM to 11:00 AM

Speaker: Anton Flores-Maisonet 

Love Crosses Borders

 Open to campus faculty, staff and community members, look at LSA instagram or groupme for more information

October 27: LSA BANQUET 

Dinner @ 6pm/ Dance @ 8pm in Martin Chapel 

Open to all faculty, staff, students and community members, presale tickets will be held, location: tbd,  (a limited number of tickets will be sold at a first serve basis)sold. look at LSA instagram or groupme for more information

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