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Kenzie Davis
Seniors Jonas Beachy and Laura Troyer sit with their sign among other students and staff at the climate change rally.

Students rally for climate justice

EMU students and faculty gathered at Thomas Plaza for a climate strike, organized by the Earthkeepers club, on Friday, Sept. 24. The strikers called for EMU’s administration, our campus community, …

Keith Bell
The bulk food area of the Friendly City Food Co-op, wherein you can purchase herbs, spices, flour, beans, grains, candies and snacks by the pound. Buying in bulk allows you to purchase as you need it, and also reduces unnecessary packaging.

Co-ops, Community, and Crafting Sustainability

The Friendly City Food Co-op opened in 2010 after four years of conceptualization and has been incredibly successful as a hub for sustainability and community development since. It’s literally built …