In mid-February, Asbury University experienced the start of a revival. From a Christian perspective, a revival is the renewal of spiritual interest and an increase of spiritual presence within a community or group of people. Asbury University is located in Kentucky (7 hours from EMU), and the revival is recorded to have lasted from February 8th to February 24th of 2023. When the revival started, I continually saw posts about it on social media and had a deep desire to join in on the celebration of God. On February 18th, I made the decision to follow the Holy Spirit’s call and I quickly called up friends to find someone to travel the 7 hours with me to Wilmore, Kentucky. I found one friend who was able to quickly change plans and on Sunday afternoon, we started our drive to Asbury.

We arrived safely at the Asbury campus at 11pm that night and as soon as we exited the car, we heard loud singing. We didn’t know where the Chapel was located from where we parked, but we were able to follow the praiseful noise. A line was still pouring out of the Chapel full of people anticipating to enter before the night ended. We quickly joined and waited with hope and excitement for 45 minutes before approaching the steps of the Chapel. When I entered, I felt in awe because the presence of the Holy Spirit was unmistakable in people’s faces, in the collection of voices that rang loud, and in the whispered prayers that moved from people’s lips. The level of peace, joy, and comfort circulating throughout my body and throughout the air was indescribable. I felt overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit’s presence and wasn’t sure if I should respond with tears or celebration. Both responses were demonstrated throughout the room. People shouted Jesus’ name, people clapped for Jesus, others kneeled in reverence, some prayed with others, some sobbed uncontrollably, and all were responses that glorified God. No one was aware of the time passing in the world outside of the Chapel because everyone’s hearts were focused on worshiping God. A little past 1am, we exited the Chapel with no hunger, thirst, or exhaustion because celebrating God took care of our earthly needs. 

The following day, my friend and I returned to the Asbury University campus and spent 5 hours praying and praising God with thousands of other people. We met people from across the country including North Carolina, Ohio, Floria, Oregon, Michigan, Tennessee, and others. The celebration of Jesus Christ brought people from different locations, cultures, ages, languages, political stances, and denominations together. No experience can compare to the experience I shared in fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. 

As I dropped everything to quickly pack up and join in on a piece of the Asbury Revival, I learned many lessons including trusting the Lord and putting God first as my priority. Upon returning to EMU campus on Tuesday afternoon, I was able to share my experiences with others and excite hope for EMU. Revival may have started at the Asbury campus, but it hasn’t stopped there. Since then, over 20 colleges have reported revivals and I believe a revival is coming soon to EMU, so be ready Eastern Mennonite community!

Contributing Writer

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