Senior captain Erik PeacheyAllison Shelly
Senior captain Erik Peachey has played all four of his years at EMU, and hopes to continue his academic and soccer careers at JMU next year.

Erik Peachey just closed out the last of his four seasons of soccer at EMU. He spent this fall as a team captain and a regular starter for the first time in his collegiate career, finishing the season with three goals and four assists, tied for seventh in the ODAC.

“I think I would attribute [regularly starting] to work that was put in over the course of four years,” Peachey explained. “It wasn’t necessarily work that I did over the past offseason — it was kind of a culminating effort from freshman year to senior year…I was proud of that accomplishment and I was glad I could contribute in that way.”

Peachey’s offseason training started last January, with regular lifting followed by five weeks of spring season. He noted how summer training is up to the individual. “Knowing it was my last year coming in, I wanted to make it a good one. So that was definitely a lot of motivation for me to stay accountable to my lifting and getting in shape.”

One highlight from this season was the game against Randolph. It was EMU’s second game in the every-game-counts ODAC season.

“I felt a huge motivation to win that game because we have never beaten Randolph,” Peachey said. “We always have really close games or really physical games with them, and they’re just a very competitive team, so obviously I knew this was my last chance to beat them.”

After a high-scoring first half, in which Peachey scored a long goal early in the game, EMU was winning 3-2. Randolph came back to tie it in the second half.

“And then we won in overtime,” Peachey said. “Yeah, it was awesome to beat them finally. And it was a good team win, I think we had three or four different scorers and different guys contributed to the goals.”

He was also proud of his personal contribution.

“I think I probably scored one of the better goals of my life in that game, so that was exciting.”

Peachey has been playing soccer since before he started kindergarten.

“I have a huge passion for the game,” he said. “It’s something I’ve been playing my whole life, from in my backyard as a kid [to] actually getting into organized stuff. It’s hard to imagine my life without it, but here I am.”

Peachey studies Accounting and Business with an Economics minor. He works as a financial manager at Common Grounds. “That’s a neat way to be involved on campus in a non-academic way which also combines my fields of study,” he said.

Besides his work at Common Grounds, he has also been involved around campus as the SGA treasurer and a Celebration worship leader.

Senior captain Erik Peachey
Senior captain Erik Peachey has played all four of his years at EMU, and hopes to continue his academic and soccer careers at JMU next year.

After graduation, Peachey plans to go to JMU for the masters of accounting program. “And then hopefully in the near future after that, obtain my [certified public accountant] certification and work at a small- to medium-sized accounting firm.”

As he looks towards the future, Peachey would also like to fit soccer into his plans.“I hope that soccer is still going to be a big part of my life, I just have to figure out how that’s going to play out. I’m sure I’ll still play as long as I’m capable of it in recreational ways.”

Peachey reflected on his years as a collegiate athlete. “I feel like I’ve learned that every day is an opportunity to make yourself better, and it starts with the little things.”

Head Coach Roger Mast appreciates Peachey’s contributions to the team over the past four years.

“Erik has been a consistent performer throughout the course of his four year career,” said Coach Mast. “This season he stepped up in his scoring output and leadership as a captain of the men’s soccer team. It has been a pleasure to see Erik develop as a player and as a person throughout his tenure.”

“I’m just really grateful for the opportunity,” Peachey’s said. “I think I learned a lot that I can apply later on the road in life. Yeah, it’s been a good experience.”

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