DeVantae DewsScott Eyre
Junior DeVantae Dews leaps for a mark in the long jump.

Holding the top spot in the ODAC has become a norm for the EMU Track and Field program. EMU currently holds top spots in the long jump and triple jump categories in both Men’s and Women’s.

Sophomore Grant Amoateng has been a force in the ODAC for the majority of the season. He was recently named the ODAC Field Athlete of the Week for his performance at the Liberty Collegiate Invitational.

He remained at the top of the ODAC leaderboards after the performance by placing sixth overall.

“My performance this season is going well,” Amoateng said. “I’m excited about my rankings in the ODAC, but hopefully in the ODAC meet I can pop a huge jump to win both events.”

Senior Oksana Kittrell has also made a name for herself in the conference. She has consistently been in the top five in the ODAC for the season and hopes to continue improving in order to take gold at the ODAC meet.

“I have felt great this season,” Kittrell said. “It is great to see my full potential, and then some.”

As continuous forces at meets, the two understand the work it takes to stay healthy and continue to improve their game.

“I truly believe I still have room to improve,” Kittrell said. “There is always something that I can improve on to make my mark an inch or one meter further. That’s what pushes and motivates me to go out and give it my best shot every time that I have the opportunity to do so.”

Amoateng, while sitting atop the leaderboards, keeps pushing forward in his training. As a sophomore, he has a great deal of time left as a student- athlete at EMU.

“I will continue to better myself with the training of Coach Allen and Coach Simpson,” Amoateng said. “Whatever they have me do, I’m ready to get better.”

Amoateng and Kittrell are going to prepare in different ways for the ODAC meet in two weeks.

“For me, the biggest thing is to prepare mentally,” Kittrell said. “Every aspect of track is mental in my opinion. You can have the talent, but you have to have the mindset and the passion.”

The two have a plethora of meets left in conference play. They will continue to improve their long and triple jumps in order to successfully compete in the ODAC championships, which are at Washington and Lee University on Friday to Saturday, April 21-22.

Jake Brown

Former Editor

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