I started theater at college as a scared little freshman, not having made any friends yet and having no clue what acting in a college show would be like. “Am I expected to be a professional actor? What if all the other actors are super competitive and gang up on me? What if our director is insane? 

Luckily, all those fears were quickly put to rest once I got plugged into theater at EMU. We are full of amateurs galore, everyone is very friendly and supportive, and our director is just very eccentric, not insane. Right from the get-go our director encouraged us to try whatever ideas we had for our characters or a scene. More often than not they ended up being bad ideas that didn’t work, but still acting in such a low-stakes and supportive environment helped me get over insecurities and just create. 

Being surrounded by such a goofy and interesting group of people allowed me to be my authentic self, and dive as deep into my characters as I could. The community and camaraderie I have found here is incredible. If you’re looking for a supportive and friendly environment to build you up, then it doesn’t really get better than here. 

Covid, of course, did hit us like a train in the face, but we endured through it, and we managed to pull off some rather impressive shows in the process, all things considered. But I wouldn’t do another outside, masked, distanced show in the middle of winter if they paid me. 

Here at EMU, theater is the place where I got to wear a red cape, and football pads, and have funky hairdos, and very tiny legs, and drink Kool aid, and run through clouds of smoke, and laugh and cry and explore and create, alongside people who have become my closest friends. 

So in the end, highly recommend. 10/10

Contributing Writer

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